IRC log started Thu Jun 22 00:00:00 2000 [1;30m[[0;31mmsg[1;30m([1;31mTUNES[1;30m)] [0mpermlog 2000.0622[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetSplit: [1;[0m split from [1; [1;30m[[0;36m12:13am[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m BitchX: Press ^F to see who left to change to [] [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mNetjoined: [1;[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mFare [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlar1 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwater [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmoke [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mnate37 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mbillh [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m Hello[0m [1;34m<[0mnate37[1;34m>[0m heyya[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m hi [0m 12:50am [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mnate37[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mnate37 has no reason[1;30m)[0m [1;34m<[0mlar1[1;34m>[0m Hey, where the hell did fire go?[0m [1;34m<[0mlar1[1;34m>[0m Oh woah[0m [1;34m<[0mlar1[1;34m>[0m nevermind 8)[0m 01:20am [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m hi :D[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m lar1 long time no see[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m well it's been that way with most of the tunesters for me[0m 01:30am [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mextrasolar[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mxchat exiting..[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mlar1[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mMay the source be with you, always.[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mdalvarez [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m Hello water.[0m [1;34m<[0mbillh[1;34m>[0m You alive ?[0m 02:40am [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mfire[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mLeaving[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mdalvarez[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mbbl[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mera3 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m wassup[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m hey [0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mKingNato [1;30m[[0;36misildur@[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mFender [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mdownix [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m hey ppl[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m wassup[0m [1;34m<[0mKingNato[1;34m>[0m downix: ReactOS will be a Win32 clone, I don't like Win32, just the games available.[0m [1;34m<[0mKingNato[1;34m>[0m (window back[0m [1;34m<[0mdownix[1;34m>[0m KingNato: All of the "clones" start from the wrong perspective, getting the OS off of the hardware. Without that hardware, or hardware as capable, the OS just won't do it.[0m [1;34m<[0mdownix[1;34m>[0m oopd[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m what is reactos[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m where is info about that[0m [1;34m<[0mFender[1;34m>[0m yes, windows is bad, but games like diablo 2 are amazing![0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m windows has tons of games (so many apps etc)[0m [1;34m<[0mdownix[1;34m>[0m try[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m i see[0m [1;34m<[0mFender[1;34m>[0m cool, you've got your own website[0m [1;34m<[0mdownix[1;34m>[0m every OS imaginable is on that url[0m [1;34m<[1;33mdownix[1;34m>[0m tunes is an OS itself... kinda[0m [1;34m<[0mdownix[1;34m>[0m it's a theoretical OS[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mbillh[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mBitchX: use it, it makes hair grow in funny places![1;30m)[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m that means it does not exist[0m [1;34m<[0mFender[1;34m>[0m heh[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m[0m [1;34m<[0mdownix[1;34m>[0m it means parts of it exist[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m does not exist[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m no page[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m i see downix[0m [1;34m<[0mdownix[1;34m>[0m the XCOM format, for instance, and the slate programming language...[0m [1;34m<[0mdownix[1;34m>[0m hrm?[0m 03:40am [1;34m<[0mdownix[1;34m>[0m let me check[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m it gives me different links[0m [1;34m<[0mdownix[1;34m>[0m oh geesh, the website is down[0m [1;34m<[0mdownix[1;34m>[0m well, slow[0m [1;34m<[0mFender[1;34m>[0m uh, yeah[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m i see[0m [1;30m* [1;33mdownix/#tunes [0mis looking for the proper link now[0m [1;34m<[0mdownix[1;34m>[0m ok, figured out the problem:[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m ok[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;37mdownix [0mis now known as [0;36mDownix[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mquetive [1;30m[[0;36mghtnayuokf@[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m quetive [1;30m[[0mghtnayuokf@[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m 03:50am [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmklsmkl [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mbrownboy [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mDownix[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mDownix has no reason[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m brownboy [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mFender[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mRead error to Fender[]: Connection reset by peer[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mbancer [1;30m[[0;36mpantnxtjag@[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m era3 [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m bancer [1;30m[[0mpantnxtjag@[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwonges [1;30m[[0;36mplxokgfmtg@[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m wonges [1;30m[[0mplxokgfmtg@[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mmode[1;30m/[0;36m#tunes [1;30m[[1;37m+o water[1;30m][0m by [1;37mChanServ[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mmode[1;30m/[0;36m#tunes [1;30m[[1;37m+o Fare[1;30m][0m by [1;37mwater[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwater[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mThe Tao went that-a-way![1;30m)[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m ahem[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m anyone here?[0m [1;34m<[0msmklsmkl[1;34m>[0m ?[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmklsmkl[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mbbl[1;30m)[0m 05:20am [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwashort [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwashort[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for washort[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mI440r[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[x]chat[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msindiray [1;30m[[0;36mojjgpsvceu@[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m sindiray [1;30m[[0mojjgpsvceu@[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mjpr [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mjpr[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[x]chat[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmklsmkl [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0msmklsmkl[1;34m>[0m gah, Tril needs to strip the colors from the logs[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m yeah[0m 09:50am [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m question: what was wrong with the Wiki?[0m [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m (thoughtful criticisms)[0m 10:10am [1;34m<[0mcoreyr[1;34m>[0m ([0m [1;30m* [1;33mcoreyr/#tunes [0mis away: school[0m 10:30am [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mextrasolar [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mirefon [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m irefon [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mgilxy [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m gilxy [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mtoving [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m toving [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mbantel [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m uh?[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m bantel [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mrennona [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m rennona [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m 12:30pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mirecer [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m irecer [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mdivbiran [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m divbiran [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mpolna [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m polna [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mfolxiing [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m folxiing [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mfolbiskim [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m folbiskim [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mhyscar [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m hyscar [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m sigh[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m what is this guy doing?[0m [1;34m<[0mextrasolar[1;34m>[0m sigh[0m 01:20pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for eihrul[][1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mPing timeout for eihrul[][1;30m)[0m [1;30m* [1;33mcoreyr/#tunes [0mis away: phase 2 maintainance office.[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mbineng [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36meihrul [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmoke[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mOne day sheep will rule the world[1;30m)[0m [1;34m<[0mextrasolar[1;34m>[0m okay, can someone explain this reflective thing?[0m [1;34m<[0msmklsmkl[1;34m>[0m what about it?[0m [1;34m<[0mextrasolar[1;34m>[0m well, why is it helpful...what does it do?[0m [1;34m<[0mextrasolar[1;34m>[0m all I could find is that it modifies itself at runtime which doesn't seem too helpful[0m [1;34m<[0msmklsmkl[1;34m>[0m it simplifies metaprogramming[0m [1;34m<[0mextrasolar[1;34m>[0m okay...[0m [1;34m<[0msmklsmkl[1;34m>[0m say you have a metaprogram that processes syntax trees ... it will be reflective if the program can be converted to same kind of syntax trees. or something like that[0m [1;34m<[0mextrasolar[1;34m>[0m why?[0m [1;34m<[0msmklsmkl[1;34m>[0m well reflection means that something process itself[0m 03:30pm [1;34m<[0mextrasolar[1;34m>[0m you mean how compilers compile themselves[0m [1;34m<[0msmklsmkl[1;34m>[0m yes[0m [1;34m<[0mextrasolar[1;34m>[0m so a spell checker will spell check itself, or a image editor will edit itself...this isn't making much sense[0m [1;34m<[0msmklsmkl[1;34m>[0m or how an OS builds itself ... current systems have pretty cumbersome reflection[0m [1;34m<[0mextrasolar[1;34m>[0m how do OS's build themselves?[0m [1;34m<[0msmklsmkl[1;34m>[0m well, they run a compiler on their sources and then reboot[0m [1;34m<[0mextrasolar[1;34m>[0m why would they do that...they would end up with the same executable[0m [1;34m<[0msmklsmkl[1;34m>[0m the sources can be modified[0m [1;34m<[0mextrasolar[1;34m>[0m okay[0m 03:40pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mbineng[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m [1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m extrasolar [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mI440r [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;30m* [1;33mFare/#tunes [0mis back[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m Fare: +o?[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m uh?[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mmode[1;30m/[0;36m#tunes [1;30m[[1;37m-o Fare[1;30m][0m by [1;37mFare[0m 04:40pm [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m my. Building a startup is such an annoying activity[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m why bother?[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m how else to gather money?[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m wants you to have a solid administrative structure already[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m sure, but will it actually produce anything? :)[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m with the kind of people I'm recruiting, it sure will[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m fare talk in #forth[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m not depressed lazy bums like me[0m [1;34m<[0mI440r[1;34m>[0m cuz if i talk in here people will start to get anal about it[0m [1;34m<[0mFare[1;34m>[0m (btw, I've got no time to be depressed anymore)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m Fare: hmm, worth a shot then, i guess[0m 04:50pm [1;30m* [1;33mFare/#tunes [0mis away[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37msmklsmkl[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mback tomorrow[1;30m)[0m [1;30m* [1;33mcoreyr/#tunes [0mis away: game party night. fragbait[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwater [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m re all[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m Topic [1;30m([0;36m#tunes[1;30m):[0m changed by [0;36mwater[1;30m:[0m TUNES: || Slate: || Slate Tutorial: || Zope Review Database:[0m 06:10pm [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m re[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m have you read the qube thing?[0m 06:20pm [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m qube?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m the paper that alaric mentioned on the tunes list[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m when?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m uh today[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m haven't checked mail today :P[0m 06:30pm [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m well, tell me what you think if/when you read it[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m it's not very long or heavy[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m reading it right now[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m k[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m really could have been proof read :)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m but maybe that's what he wants us to do...[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m i'm pretty sure he does[0m 06:40pm [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m does the notation he uses for 'meta' mean anything to you? i'm not quite sure i grok it[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m not there yet[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m it's like an unquote operator or something[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m ok[0m 06:50pm [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m already i'm on the 7th page and he's introduced one of lisp's fallacies :)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m (list? '()) => '()[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m which is that?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m oh[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m what is it supposed to return, then?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m well, it returns the list if its a list, '() otherwise[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m >:)[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m but '() is a list, no?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m yes[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m so it either way it returns '()[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m ok[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m no distinctive boolean values :)[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m oh[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m i guess he hasn't looked at scheme[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m i've always objected to lisp and scheme's way of providing booleans[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m well, do you oppose the notion of distinctive boolean values or where they lie in the type hierarchy?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m definitely at least the latter[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m i can't see how i should ever *oppose* the notion of distinctive boolean values[0m 07:00pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlmaxson [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m ok then :)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m i agree with you there[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m i thought you would ;)[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m maybe you should mention that lisp fallacy to him on the mailing list to find out why he defined list? that way[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mwashort [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m nah, would require some rewriting of the paper and is probably not signifigant to his paper :)[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m ok[0m 07:10pm [1;30m* [1;33mwater/#tunes [0mwonders if graph-transforming primitives in slate should be like forth's stack primitives[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m although i can't figure out a compelling reason to dive into the stack for as many reasons as forth has.... "swap"ping just doesn't seem applicable[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m (meta) looks like (eval)[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m yeah[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m what about unquote?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m what about it?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m it seems similar as well[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m you mean the idea or there's an "unquote" primitive in this paper :)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m ?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m the idea[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m well, yes... (eval) basically undoes (quote)[0m 07:20pm [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m just trying to clarify the meta primitive he uses[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m er, wait, (meta) is not (eval) :)[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m :P[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m well, it is either applies macros or it is "eval"[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m i'm still trying to discern which :)[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m yeah it's not obvious[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m judging from context, looks like the former[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m what about 'partial-eval'? :)[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m (sic)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m yeah, its definitely macro application[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m sure[0m 07:30pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m lmaxson [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m so, what worthwhile conclusions do you get from this?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m still reading[0m 07:40pm [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m <- slow reader[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m np[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m my reading quicjly the first time made me skip some things and ideas[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m s/j/k/[0m 07:50pm [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m how long does it take to read 26 pages? :)[0m 08:00pm [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m hm[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m alaric seems intent on getting the forth library benefits in lisp[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m and i know i've thought of a way to make a forth within slate[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m as well as a lisp[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m maybe slate needs a programming style that can be expressed by axes[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m sort of like the smalltalk "panes"[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m except in this case, we emulate grammars by changing the namespace-nesting automation[0m 08:10pm [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m eihrul: you still there?[0m 08:20pm [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m yes[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m done yet?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m yes[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m what do you think?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m well, its a lisp :)[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m heh[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m ok, beyond that[0m 08:30pm [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m what do you think of the perspective?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m well, its just another take on an open compiler i suppose[0m 08:40pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mfire [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m except, more rigid[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m hi[0m 08:50pm [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m hey water you around?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m yes[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m hey what do slate objects have a self?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m what?[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m er no what[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m sort of[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m sorry lemme rephrase that[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m like in smalltalk[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m there's no pseudo-variable[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m you make a slot that accesses the current namespace[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m oh i think i see[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m sort of like "." instead of ".." in unix[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m thanks[0m 09:00pm [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m re[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m hm[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m ...[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m honestly, i feel like relaxing tonight[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m but i also want to plan out some stuff for slate[0m 09:20pm [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m eih: have you finished the mountain of papers to read yet? :)[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m or has the SSA pile been the only one scaled?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m i've read most of everything i have i think[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m just need to finish odool[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m i should re-read that one[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m the paper is both long and long-winded :)[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m long-winded papers are usually quicker reads[0m 09:30pm [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m hm i can't remember where i put it[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m what filename does it have?[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m oh wait, i'll ask abi[0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m doh![0m [1;34m<[0mwater[1;34m>[0m n/m i found it[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mI440r[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[x]chat[1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mlar1 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m 09:40pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mmark4 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mwater[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mThe Tao went that-a-way![1;30m)[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mera3 [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m wassup pl[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m no op here[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m ?[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m sup[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m well, i'm particularing wondering why you've chosen to visit[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m s/particularling/particularly[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m hooked on ebonics worked for you?[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m heh[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m to visit here[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m for what purpose?[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m i heard about this room is about os designb[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m yes and know[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m i want to learn more about os design etc..since i love messing with new oses[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m s/know/no (ugh, its late)[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m i know it is late ..[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m this channel is not necessarily about making super-1337 super-fast super-small super-secure OSes[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m i am just up right now i just joined[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m it is anything but[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m just so you know :)[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m i hear[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m i was thinking more about os evolution and its design[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m but still kewl[0m [1;34m<[1;33mfire[1;34m>[0m tunes is not really an os/language project in my minds[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m mind rather[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m just a place for developers to share ideas[0m [1;30m* [1;33meihrul/#tunes [0mshrugs.[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m maybe to you[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m unless fare decides to do anything[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m but some people actually want to make something of tunes![0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m i really want to meet developers also[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m unless you've not been paying attention lately[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m i do to[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m there's been work on Slate[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m and well, Fare's actually trying to get a company going to get people to do work for him >:)[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m what is Slate[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m i mean fare's tunes...any real work is being done by water[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m era3: check the topic[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m so if to you arrow == tunes then yes there is a lot of stuff being done[0m [1;30m* [1;33meihrul/#tunes [0mshrugs.[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m i think fare somehow intended to get something done[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m but its just that idealism so often does not coincide with action[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m i think water and tom novelli have the greatest work ethic _and_ have a project to work on[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m ah i see[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m to say that tunes may never produce anything is one thing...[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m but to say tunes is nothing more than a place for developers to "share ideas" is a disservice[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m unfortunately i don't see any venture capitalists eyeing tunes[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m perhaps im wrong[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36mmhd [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m fire: have you ever started a business? :P[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m working on it[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m :P[0m [1;30m* [1;33meihrul/#tunes [0mshrugs.[0m [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m hey are you guys in need of some ppl who would do online jobs[0m 11:10pm [1;34m<[0mera3[1;34m>[0m if so i am interested ..(will even work for free)[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m oh[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m well bueno labs is really a two man show sorry ;)[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m well, you might want to talk to water, tril, or coreyr[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m if you can get ahold of any of them[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m fire: uh, air already does more than enough to hype his personal projects in here, we don't need two trolls...[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m does coreyr == core?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m no[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m oh[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m mhd [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m well he has a good deal done though but has made little progress in the past few months[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m i think i just sorta gave up and keeps hyping :D[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m does it accomplish tunes? no[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m he's a leech like me[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m it's just hard to be biased in a world and so many projects that never make it anywhere[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m er not to be biased rather[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m well, we know that you're really to help tunes succeed, aren't ya?[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m s/really/really attempting[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m well i suppose i should see if water won't let me jump into the fold with arrow and slate[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m and do my part[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m i've just been gone for a while[0m [1;34m<[0mfire[1;34m>[0m i see water has you busy[0m 11:20pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [1;36msmoke [1;30m[[0;[1;30m][0m has joined #tunes[0m [1;34m<[0meihrul[1;34m>[0m i s'pose so[0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37mlar1[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0mRead error to lar1[]: Connection reset by peer[1;30m)[0m 11:30pm [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m era3 [1;30m[[[1;30m][0m has left #tunes [1;30m[[1;37m[1;30m][0m [1;31m-[0m[1;37m:[1;31m-[0m [0mSignOff [1;37meihrul[0m: #TUNES [1;30m([0m[x]chat[1;30m)[0m [1;30m[[0;31mmsg[1;30m([1;31mTUNES[1;30m)] [0mnewlog 2000.0623[0m IRC log ended Fri Jun 23 00:00:00 2000