IRC log started Fri Feb 11 00:00:01 2000 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 2000.0211 -:- SignOff smkl: #TUNES (Ping timeout for smkl[]) -:- SignOff present: #TUNES (Read error to present[]: EOF from client) -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes -:- smkl [] has joined #tunes -:- smokie [] has joined #tunes -:- warp [] has joined #tunes -:- warp [] has left #tunes [] -:- SignOff Plundis: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Plundis[]) -:- Plundis [plundis@] has joined #tunes -:- moebious [] has joined #tunes hello? hello is a multi-threaded operating system written in Standard ML and can be found at i'll be dambed dmm ad tunes? hmmm... tunes is a free reflective computing system at or for programming languages what the internet is to networks or like flypaper for hallucinogenic programmers or discombobulated or obnubilated or AOTA system-independence? system independence? 02:30am programming language? somebody said programming language was built atop common lisp yes programming language? i think programming language is built atop common lisp yes programming language? programming language is built atop common lisp yes common lisp? i heard common lisp was an industrial strength language meant and designed for complicated programs and have lost some beauty but is really powerful and people have put lots of thought into it common lisp? common lisp is an industrial strength language meant and designed for complicated programs and have lost some beauty but is really powerful and people have put lots of thought into it common lisp? i think common lisp is an industrial strength language meant and designed for complicated programs and have lost some beauty but is really powerful and people have put lots of thought into it what is lisp? lisp is ((simply) (perfect)) what is lisp? i think lisp is ((simply) (perfect)) what is abi? i heard i was the little girl borg with a big brain or #tunes' infoslut how intresting linux? reflection? reflection is a property of a system that can refer to itself and manipulate its state or rough on your brain 02:40am proprietary proprietary? proprietary is something bad yea i'm looking at the tunes website its evil like a R.A.Wilson book. so what comes after tunes? 02:50am real songs? some guitar maybe a piano long-haired brit singing "Imagine" 03:10am dammit i cant sleep argh! 04:40am -:- SignOff smokie: #TUNES (smokie has no reason) -:- SignOff moebious: #TUNES (changing servers) re -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Fare[]) -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes 05:40am -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Fare[]) -:- Ghyll [] has joined #tunes -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Ghyll: #TUNES (foo) -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- rares [] has joined #tunes -:- ChanServ has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: -:- rosc [] has joined #tunes -:- rosc [] has left #tunes [] -:- hcf has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System || slate the link don't work what? take the extra > of the end -:- hcf has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System @ || slate @ there ya go 08:00am as i recall, the <>'s were tril's idea, something about how clients parse links rares: whats ur opinion of slate's navbar? kina tiny but it's the one that looks the nicest. Bigger just gets ugly. Frankly I'm starting to really like looking at text over pictures. maybe a little bigger might work it uses the tag, u think plain size, same as regular text? try it 08:10am so would be perfect? yeah it does look good :) k, any other suggestions? reverse the design how so? Info links at top i'm not sying it'll look good I'm just thinking oh yes iow, toc at top not bottom right -:- pand [user4598@] has joined #tunes thats my preference too i forgot to mention it to water how's it look -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (changing servers) -:- smoke [] has joined #tunes 08:20am I understand why he did it that way but at that point it makes wore sense to wrap aroud the toc The thing I wouldn't lke to see is a use less front door I hate the way sites have to package their shit before they give it to you do u have some links to sites/pages that r done right in ur opinion? t.o :) Info right in your face t.o? hows now? one reason, i think, that water put the toc at the bottom, is that its the part of the page being worked on i like the text at the top because it gives people the main fo first but it's better wrapped a round main info even besides Slate and Mobius are just the beginning what's he going to do when GNU tools are ported to slate which to me looks like the only viable form my interface blurring ideas are going to survive in 08:30am -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES (KVirc 1.0.0 Millennium BETA 3) -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Ping timeout for AlonzoTG[]) -:- pand [user4598@] has left #tunes [] -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff thomas: #TUNES (Ping timeout for thomas[]) -:- thomas [thomas@] has joined #tunes -:- Mr_MadHouse [] has joined #tunes -:- Mr_MadHouse [] has left #tunes [XDestroyWindow(dpy,this)] * Fufie/#tunes hopes one day computer systems will be intelligent enough to figure out what they do themselves and document themselves.. true reflection :-) fufie: that'd be nice yes the complot theory on slashdot concerning the DoS attacks being set up by microsoft is interesting -:- rares [] has joined #tunes 11:20am and about as realistic that clinton is really the pope and is a pakistani s/that/as/ MS is evil, but they didn't do this fufie: probably not, but i meant that the theory itself was interesting is the theory that clinton is the pope and is really a pakistani, also interesting? But they would try to push the ant-Linux/Solaris msg yes, but people know Mickey by now.. we know they are pathetic whiners and pathological lier +s fufie: i'm more concerned with the paranoia of US :) the problem is that Microsoft lost they lost the OS war soon they will have to fight with opponents of their own size Now we need to fix the Freenices so they keep their spot if you need a computer for regular stuff.. go for a Mac if you're a professional user of some sort, go for Un*x yes Mac OS X Darwin preferrably yes Amix is cool too the reason Mickeyboys lost is because they lost the developers Amiga Unix r u serious? and the sysadmins you mean our admins I am very serious.. Mickeysoft lost because they lost their hold on developers and sysadmins anyone here have libggi+svgalib+libmikmod installed ? smoke: no svgalib requires root 11:30am I thought you meant MS pissed off their developers fufie: yeah, svgalib is evil. fbcon or kgi then? :) rares: no, I mean the developers around the world :) (we've done an oldschool intro for libggi+libmikmod.. you realize that still leaves a big hole we need to keep those devers happy yes fufie: there's still a big group of developers using windows products maybe I should drop all my projects and port GNU to tunes then go from there fufie: they lost the sysadmins alright I am not speaking of the wimpy developers who think visual basic is a good thing and that word macros are real programming I am talking of the real developers who build the infrastructure the vb programmer is an end-user fufie: you may be right that the major part of those windows developers are of no use fufie: i wouldn't know the bright guys who leave colleges today will not be happy with windows.. and it's those guys who will bring along the change, torpedoing Mickeysoft for good leaves us with the hardware well no we still have schools and parents to deal with intel has obviously changed sides well duh they're not stupiud i still don't think intel is necessary a complete ally necessarilly even damned toothache intel dislikes being MS' pet brother 11:40am pet gerbil you mean om intel sucks. hi 11:50am * AlonzoTG/#tunes greets "Salutations thomas!" :-) :) 12:00pm abi, combinator? i don't know, thomas 12:20pm -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES (Ping timeout for rares[]) -:- present [] has joined #tunes -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- eihrul [] has left #tunes [] -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes hows it going eihrul 01:20pm hmm, it's going 01:30pm -:- ult [] has joined #Tunes hi * ult/#Tunes pokes eihrul in the ribs. ult[] um ultbox? gn0 my phr13nd, 3y3 th1nk n4wt ....yah........... /-/3H you $|-|@|_|_ /=[-ar My elIte S~|~yLe |_ea5+ my E/_1~|~E iRc 5c/>1Pt! bwaahhaha yew are the l33t3st you know it ;) what you typed is probably legal intercal syntax *cackle* itz the sieve of erasthmus !! heh i want the sieve of erasmus! 01:40pm erasmus? :) arosthenes perhaps? :) 02:00pm right :P the sieve of crispus attics 02:10pm -:- SignOff present: #TUNES (Read error to present[]: EOF from client) qhmm 02:40pm -:- SignOff smoke: #TUNES (z!Z!!Z) -:- SignOff ult: #TUNES (Ping timeout for ult[]) -:- rares [] has joined #tunes -:- rares is now known as Iam -:- Iam is now known as rares -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES (Ping timeout for rares[]) -:- rares [] has joined #tunes hey eih: I had freaky idea turn tunes into a replacement for Java -:- air [] has joined #tunes 04:00pm turn tunes into a replacement for Java -:- tcn [] has joined #tunes hey turn tunes into a replacement for Java 04:10pm dvorak kbd feels weird :) onteuh 04:20pm -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES (KVirc 1.0.0 Millennium BETA 3) -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (#osdev) -:- water [] has joined #tunes Foo. 05:00pm hey all howdy hi tom 05:10pm darn it, where is everybody? no one wants to talk? if yru'll pardon my dvorak kbd hm? gotta bite the bullet sometime wtf? this layout really makes sense what layout? dvorak oh well yes but i'm still rather slow i'm also playing w/ clienux sorry, no conversational interest for those subjects for me 05:20pm me neither 05:30pm hey water hm? oh hey minor html thing, do u like the navbar being a font size smaller then plain text? i don't care right now, i'm in "step back and look at the big picture" mode oh, well got a couple of faq suggestions k how does slate relate to tunes/*ll and arrow? heh these r the same as what the tunes ppl asked, so yes i agree expect them to be asked again i would suppose the tunes hll page should mention/link to slate not until it really exists the concepts exist and r somewhat doc'd, theyre worth a mention 05:40pm yeah and the lisp code does support quite a bit well what do you think of the big picture with slate? what is the big picture? 05:50pm what you think it is :) unification of the best things into something greater nothing? oh god i hope so, but i'm not sure my ideas are working out well enough i.e. perhaps the integration isn't coherent enough too much at once? i'm not sure generalization at the proper level seems to be the key for instance, i'm not sure what bmo's are really good for, as for advantages over self-behavior-describing objects simplification? well, as was said concerning combinator languages: sometimes an over-simplified set of primitives makes working with/around them more complicated 06:00pm so the issue for me is unresolved whats wrong w/ self-behavior-describing objects? water: i am awake now :) hcf: i'm not sure precisely hey eih water: well, as i see it, bmo can be used for a lot of things... 06:10pm water: for instance, if you wanted to add transparent mutually exclusive access to objects, you could do it with bmos water: if you wanted to add distributed message passing, you could do it with bmo's..., etc yes that's what i was hoping for among the other uses such as security and mutability, etc but it mirrors the class/object distinction (sort of) * eihrul/#tunes nods. well, er, doh i misread your statement (i thought you were just questioning for what bmos could be used for in general) as opposed to their advantages over self describing... it'd just be nice to have a clear answer to an FAQ like "how are bmo's fundamentally different from classes?" oh one of the advantages of prototyping, is that even if you have class-like functionality it can be dynamically changeable sure so even if bmo's represent a sort of class-like hierarchy... atleast this hierarchy can be dynamically relinked (and meta-spaces can be switched) hm if you wanted to make a distributed object a simple object or vice versa, all you'd need would be to switch a link and Top can be bypassed as for the bmo inheritance hierarchy, as it's now specified self-describing behavior is only useful when meta-behavior is expected to be constantly associated with a specific type of it hm and i only went with self-describing behavior because it was easier to implement for now just a starting point so we're fundamentally distinguishing behavior from (?) er self-describing meta-behavior excuse me so far, ?= a grab bag of things hm ok henceforth, mb => meta-behavior :) k have you been thinking at all about how concurrency would work semantically? truthfully, i have not thought on concurrency at all, never crossed my mind until now perhaps i will :) water: you have any opening thoughts on the issue of concurrency? ok, because using objects as threads and possibly processes would be a Very Good Thing (TM) for attracting support 06:20pm well, as long as you have some background in concurrency in other oo langs, i don't have much to say actually, i did read one of jecel's paper on self/r... which had some ideas on the subject really? where? just in the papers section of his page oh trying to find the paper... grrr, can't seem to find it it was one of the first papers listed, i believe there were others i meant to read off his site as well that seemed relevent ok, well anyway hmm, i think i'll add bmos to the lisp code tonight any protocol that works will do 06:30pm hmmm, so concurrency, continuations, rewrite are left, i believe... anything else? heh actually, i'm thinking rewrite can be left out of the language itself and continuations aren't something i've given too much thought well, they seem to violate object-orientation no they don't in fact, they help quite a bit if an object's inputs/outputs are considered an interactive stream, the future of computation cannot be easily known or, hmmm true, but continuations are usually just references anyway unfortunately, i'm no continuation guru there's a good section on them in ANSI Common Lisp -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) hm i'll look er, it might have been On Lisp it was one of the two 06:40pm -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes * water/#tunes is reminded to look through the clos mop spec again i wonder if classes could be made like bmo's? no, it doesn't make sense hm clhs seems broken um i think continuations are a scheme thing 06:50pm they are ok * eihrul/#tunes ponders how much brain damage he has caused himself due to lack of sleep. heh read the /. today? :) well, every article you see on the brain says something to the effect of not getting even 8 hours of sleep has repurcussions on the brain so, 6 years at 1-4 hours of sleep a night... in high school?!? yes (well, junior-high as well) why? coding? it used to be coding, but now it's reading :) heh ever since i started researching OSes the literature / code ratio increased without bound heh i guess slate didn't help with that :) not that i mind well keep in mind about concurrency that re-write seems to cover the concepts 07:00pm rewrite covers a hell of a lot, but i'm not sure about sticking with an idea that seems to clash with the notion of name-space although one re-write system definitely coincides with the notion of namesapce -:- o-o [] has joined #tunes hello, oo * eihrul/#tunes needs to read more on rewrite. any sources of papers you recommend? maude stuff and functional-logic languages curry seems one of the best of the latter 07:10pm abi: lemon is a functional programming language with inductive and coinductive typing at -:- o-o [] has left #tunes [] * eihrul/#tunes appraises the size of his paper queue. heh. i wonder if we scared o-o off eihrul: don't get everything i mention to you hm lemon has serious semantic limitations like? the co-induction system isn't general enough, mostly -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) 07:20pm -:- rares [] has joined #tunes hey I have a question: what is the likelihood tunes might replace Java ? heh * eihrul/#tunes bops rares on the head with a rolled up hardwood clue-stick. I'm serious such a comparison is criminal, at best java can't be replaced by something that doesn't exist, otoh :) not the comparison I'm just saying Sun blows 07:30pm java is an inextensible imperative programming system... whereas tunes is a useful, never-the-less expedient system :) exactly completely unsuited rto the tassk Java that is squeak happens to be a potential java-killer, if only it could break the smalltalk stigma well, disney would have to actively hype squeak... but java's really about big dumb corporate computing Sun's hype is probably the only reason for Java's success (note: probably) perhaps they will soon, when they release all the projects they have for it though, it'd also require training users to expect more out of their computing environment as it is now, i don't see squeak making a signifigant difference in the way Joe Average computes... (because they haven't been taught otherwise) yes i guess so the same could be said for tunes in fact * eihrul/#tunes nods. Joe couldn't tell the difference between smalltalk and tunes Gah BSDers are still living the Unix wars the user/programmer gap just needs to be bridged before the chasm is established :) yeah that's why i've been looking at vpl's over the last few years User/programmer gap can be bridged if we throw parents out of the education sytem (on an individual basis) rares: true, but it would cause too much havoc not id I hire the kids in my Linux/BSD store and give them traning benefits along with the usual perks not if even if computers themselves were used more frequently as learning tools, computer literacy would increase drastically i'd wager Word Processing is a crime insert "properly" in "were used" that was inferred because using my school as a model, we have 2 computers in every classroom... plus numerous computer labs they're almost *never* used and even if they're used they're not used in productive ways take some sociology course strart a school The BSD developers have had different motivations. The NetBSD group ( has concentrated on making its system run on as many different platforms as Linux; today it runs on more than twice as many architectures. NetBSD is also the only free Unix operating system that comes with support for the next-generation Internet Protocol, IPv6. 07:40pm oops oops control-z is not good to press... uhh doesnt linux have ipv6? yeah afaik and what platforms does netbsd support that linux dont? and supposedlyy NetBSD runs on twice as many arch's as Linux my ass * water/#tunes contemplates why someone would hype a *bsd NetBSD probably supports -4 platforms that linux doesn't support (note the double negative) 07:50pm Yes lets see PalmBSD soory I don't see it last but not least show me a Linux distro that can't run the apps other Linux distros can (aside from hardware limits and older libraries) -:- SignOff tcn: #TUNES (Ping timeout for tcn[]) 08:00pm -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Ping timeout for eihrul[]) -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes * eihrul/#tunes growls. -:- ProLogic [] has joined #tunes hi air (not a music channel) -:- SignOff water: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff thomas: #TUNES (Ping timeout for thomas[]) ProLogic: hi, do i know u? no, you shouldn't since you can't see ppl that are viewing your website :P heh, well i sorta can heh well go check then access logs :) I was just on :P can i help u? just wanna ask if your os runs on an x86 ? 08:20pm -:- SignOff ProLogic: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- ProLogic [] has joined #tunes yes it does that's like asking if windows runs on an x86.... oh, hello eihrul 08:30pm -:- SignOff ProLogic: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES (Ping timeout for rares[]) -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- rares [] has joined #tunes -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes -:- washort [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (destroy what destroys you) -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES (KVirc 1.0.0 Millennium BETA 3) -:- SignOff air: #TUNES ( :: reboot) -:- SignOff washort: #TUNES (Ping timeout for washort[]) -:- kc5tja [] has joined #tunes -:- kc5tja [] has left #tunes [] [msg(TUNES)] newlog 2000.0212 IRC log ended Sat Feb 12 00:00:01 2000