IRC log started Thu Jan 20 00:00:02 2000 [msg(TUNES)] permlog 2000.0120 well, i don't have anything to discuss tonight, apparently good night, all -:- water [] has left #tunes [] 12:20am -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) -:- witten [] has joined #tunes -:- witten [] has left #tunes [] -:- smkl [] has left #tunes [] -:- smkl [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff smkl: #TUNES (changing servers) -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes good morning om 05:30am -:- smkl [] has joined #tunes -:- rares [] has joined #tunes Hum. Gakuk hum hei 06:30am -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES ([x]chat) -:- Kaufmann` [newbie@] has joined #tunes -:- binEng [Anders@] has joined #tunes There is no such thing as superior softwate. Software is either adequate or inadequate. - ArkenWork can you believe this? hardly wots softwate? it pisses me off when people try to invoke technological postmodernism as an excuse for crappy software What would "technological postmodernism" be? it's a vulgar example of utilarism Well I don't know what it is.. software should not be measured in whether it does the job or not, or by what end-users think of it technological postmodernism is the doctrine that it's impossible to make value judgements on technologies. which is ridiculous. does sound doubtable software should be measured by software critics just like art and literature and music ...or let me judge ;) that would be the day ;) 10:10am urgh but seriously the industry is the largest enemy of great software I'm afraid you're right yeah, but this guy is trying to argue that, since Windows is "adequate software", there is no reason for him (or anyone else, apparently), to adopt better software... according to him, there is no "better software" too many casual programmers and ununderstanding management, perhaps omg kaufie: blessed are meek :-) om... but still how will I get the $3 million dollars it will cost to do my OS? AlonzoTG: Prostitution. * AlonzoTG/#tunes expresses sincere gratitude to binEng * AlonzoTG/#tunes works binEng over with a 2x4 heh rob a bank preferrably a net bank how would you run away with electronic money? =\ uh,, hack their server and just give yourself an account with the money you want. bE: transfer the money to your bank on the Cayman Island and then go live there cayman island? I don't even know where that is do they have cable? It's the Cayman IslandS 10:20am but back to software.. it's nice when it is completed though an intent to build the greatest thing ever looks rather shallow to something which was actually built hey, this is cool... a Java X server :) slow or what? apparently not and it runs on MacOS, Windoze and a shitload of Unixen or unices whatever :) 10:30am I'd like a type/object system that allowed the programmer to do all the argument validity checking directly in the parameter list, by way of boolean guards as in factorial(1) = 1; factorial(n | n :: Integer, n > 1) = n * factorial(n - 1) I suppose something like this could also be arranged in a message-passing-based system it's easy to add to lisp at least but it'll be runtime of course yeah 10:50am Something more complex I am pondering on adding such contraints a week I find time.. the problem is how to make a total order description(obj | accessed-at-creation-time? obj DocDB, exists? doc(obj)) = [:name name(obj), :type type(obj), :docstring doc(obj), :related relatives(obj)] wherein relatives(obj) would search the database for objects that have any relation to obj if you're serious and we find time this spring, it would be cool to make something like that yeah but we will need to find a way to order the various constraints I've been thinking for a while about adding a better type/object system into Scheme 11:00am another example, perhaps for an IDE: colour(sym | sym :: TypedSymbol, eval(sym, *curr-env*) :: #t (* every object has an "is-a" relation to #t *)) = 'black; colour(sym | inherit-from(colour(sym :: TypedSymbol)), eval(sym, *curr-env*) :: function) = 'red I find it easier to express this kind of idea in pseudo-code brb afk 11:10am back no, actually, I'm off for good -:- SignOff Kaufmann`: #TUNES (kathyanne gets kick'd / as leaves fall on still waters / she is here no more.) * binEng/#tunes is away 11:20am -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES (BitchX: a modern client for a old world) -:- dalvarez [ircusr@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff binEng: #TUNES (Ping timeout for binEng[]) -:- bineng [Anders@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- SignOff dalvarez: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- Nicky [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Nicky: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- trouble [user6033@] has joined #tunes er -:- trouble [user6033@] has left #tunes [] -:- zarq [] has joined #tunes hey 01:10pm hi 01:20pm * AlonzoTG/#tunes left clicks on zarq * zarq/#tunes unmounts alonzo -:- jdl [] has joined #tunes hey, bin, check your mail :) ah hi, yes I just saw I'll hang around for a bit if you want to discuss specific entries. ok, I'll look at it now then bin: msg me to talk -- I'll be on a different desktop. I don't know if abstract aspects often are the essential ones. 01:40pm And again, in 'abstraction', "essential" might be the wrong word No need to msg me with the comments... getting a msg just activates a beep so I know you're saying something. :) alright then .. /msg hey you is enough :) anyway. 'concretisation' might have been a word I just came up with, but I did mean something different than 'reification' (and read what I wrote earlier= ) anyway, regarding your comment, I agree... abstraction is a tough one well, the dictionary definition of reification I have IS the opposite of abstraction and is also the same as 'concretisation'. hmm.. yes I guess reification is to make something abstract concrete abi: foldoc for reification? reification may be sought in foldoc at : "To regard (something abstract) as a material thing." yep, that's what my dictionary says, too. Brian Rice uses it differently, but he has a history of redefining words for his own purpose (not that I don't) he does? I've understood his meaning of it as consistent with the rest of the world (on this one, that is) oh, maybe I'm wrong then. 01:50pm * jdl/#tunes is away again Should I erase everything on metamodels and codes, as they apparently differ from your (and probably also the right) definition? That's your call. Obviously, I'd prefer you used my definition, but it's your glossary. I have the feeling the semiotics tutorial uses it your way, so I'll let it go that way. 02:00pm hum hi Fufie jdl: What do you consider are Prism's semantic atoms if any? _Bit and _List you sure? They don't seem very semantic to me.. hi bin Okay, you caught me. :) Let me see if I can rationalize this one.... ;) I've heard the word 'epistimic' or perhaps 'emistemologic' for it. Brian uses it. I'll check bin: Okay, _Bit and _List are the Prism metacode's *syntactic* atoms. The metacode itself doesn't have semantic atoms, by design. -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes yes, I think Brian calls those epistemic building blocks brb sheesh... "epistemic building blocks"? What a mouthful ;) jdl: better than a mouth full of metas dictionary: "epistimic: of or relating to knowledge or the act of knowing". hcf: mea culpa... but I still prefer "atom" or "syntactic atom" to "epistemic building block" 02:10pm -:- pdm [] has joined #tunes * jdl/#tunes is away again (msg me to get my attention) jdl: yep, epistemology is related to cybernetics * bineng/#tunes is back back bin: I think trying to come up with a unified philosophy is great, but I don't think you've got all the kinks ironed out yet. Hence my frequent "philosophy" brush-offs. I don't know how much that can be judged from the glossary, though.. even if I did have that in mind when writing 02:20pm ah yes, I agree I should move that to somewhere else, I'm just reflecting over that you said they didn't seem solid bin: they may have seemed shaky just because I didn't see the whole picture, just bits and pieces in definitions. yeah.. whatever. I don't want to argue that I have something I'm not ready to show up. I'll see if I can continue the stuff I sent to the mlist.. the "on modeling" bin: what I did see looked promising, fwiw fwiw? abi: fwiw is "for what it's worth" wish i knew, jdl argh abi: fwiw is for what it's worth wish i knew, jdl jdl: stop okay, I'm obviously clueless hcf: how do you add a factoid to abi? I thought it was " is " jdl: what needs a \ before it abi: fwiw is For \What It's Worth not that the cleartext makes it any clearer to me hcf: Ah, a lambda? ;) ah... I see. abi thought I was asking what "it's worth" was :) bineng: yeah ;) a conspiration! they're everywhere! (even on my computer's desktop, btw) bineng: \ as escape iz more common :p -:- air [] has joined #tunes Didn't you know the longer strips on barcodes stand for 666? Yes it reveals how satan is in conspiration with the government. bineng, jdl: back to topic there is no topic -:- hcf has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System || slate || jdl's meta-isms meta-isms? :) ok 02:30pm bin: when you talk about isms -- you know "Is 'm hot? Is 'm tired? etc." ;) -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes Hey-lo all hey downix hullo Downix hey-lo jdl: Do you think an entry for 'program' is needed/would be interesting? you talk about that in TW&TW, don't you? bin: I think I got one in there, actually ah ok -:- hcf has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System || slate || sphere/prism || jdl's meta-meta-modeling -:- jdl has changed the topic on channel #tunes to: TUNES, Free Reflective Computing System || slate || binEng's glossary the topic lines are long these days lol bineng: usually means more stuff is happening put the sphere one up, it'll PO Alonzo heh * jdl/#tunes grins Downix: that was my point hcf: Let's hope so :) hehehe jdl: You think 'concept' is not needed? Downix: why will it piss him off? air: he claims that he came up with Sphere although he didn't, ofc ahh bin: My reasoning there was that we're using concept in the traditional sense, and that everyone already knows what 'concept' is. jdl: Otherwise I thought I had a point in the limitation of concepts. But if you don't think it's needed.. bin: Let me look at your def again. I was going pretty quick, may have made some bad calls about what was needed/not needed. Webster: "The words conception, concept, notion, should be limited to the thought of what can not be represented in the imagination; as, the thought suggested by a general term." 02:40pm To tell you the truth, I don't really understand that definition. "Should be limited to the thought of what can not be represented in the imagination"??? sounds like the opposite of what it should be (and what I've read it as) what if the 'not' is removed? well, I still think everyone understands what a "concept" is. alright jdl: as for 'concrete machine', this was used by you, I think. or perhaps not bineng: aware of ? hcf: no I wasn't bin: yeah, it was, but just to illustrate a point. We can include it but I don't think anybody actually uses that term. bin: also, with general definitions of "abstract" and "concrete," perhaps specific defintiions of "abstract Xxx" and "concrete Xxx" are unecessary. sure but what about 'virtual machine'? I'm not so clear over the definition myself. -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes I think "virtual" and "abstract" may be closely related terms. I'm a little fuzzy on that one too. oh well, I didn't have any definition on that one myself dictionary: "virtual: existing or resulting in essence or effect though not in actual fact, form, or name" fuzzy alright So a "virtual machine" is a machine that exists and works but has no physical form... works for me I wonder if we should use "virtual" instead of "abstract" for some of our terms...? perhaps a machine/environment that was modeled after a physical machine? s/was/was not/ :P perhaps.. * jdl/#tunes shrugs what? Doesn't look like we have that many 'abstract ...' words ast is one word No, not really. I think the way it is now is fine. Let's leave virtual out for now. 02:50pm Fufie: what's that? it's virtually impossible to define virtual do we need a definition of 'constant' with your simplified meaning of it? s/no, not really/I agree, we don't have that many/ bin: what an ast is? an ast is, like, Andrew S. Tenebaum, hp at or Abstract Syntax Tree bin: your call... my original instinct was to say 'not needed' ah jdl: I only considered 'constant' interesting under my ""philosophy"" bin: okay, that makes sense. Take it out then? sure Fufie: That link is to tannenbaum :) * jdl/#tunes thought it was amusing Tannenbaum came before "abstract syntax tree" hehe, you're right :) tanenbaum is a nifty guy anyone got a good ast (abs.syn.tree) related link? jdl: How about 'cybernetics'? perhaps not interesting for Prism? hcf: not really, it's sortof implicit in compiler jargon Not for Prism, no, but I think it's a useful entry. fine then (Especially if we merge with Tunes glossary, since Brian (and others?) is so into cybernetics) hcf: though ASTs are also usually used for semantic (or semantically analysed) trees as well jdl: Wouldn't you want Faré's comments in the glossary (re)moved for that? fufie: I saw a cool video where this guy created a electrical circuit code based on AST's. Then he wrote a genetic algorithm to manipulate the trees, and the results were in some cases equivalent and/or superior to patented circuits. jdl: Even if neither you nor me likes the definition of 'domain', do you think it appropriate to mention? Could be improved later. Cool stuff, but a little scary :) fufe: re Fare's comments -- I didn't realize he had some s/fufe/bin/ jdl: That's the politics bin: yes, I think domain is an important term (I use it all the time myself) but I can't define it :p jim: circuits are kindof ok to be evolved.. it's more difficult for ASTs for normal programming languages abi: dads? well, dads is at jim: Koza's book has a chapter on circuits alone I seem to recall bin|jdl: check dads out that is.. Koza's first book fufie: only (IMHO) because languages have all kinds of syntactic cruft. With a customized Prism code it would be easier, I think (since Prism cuts out the syntax) 03:00pm hcf: whee, lotsa info * jdl/#tunes is looking at dads I'll have to look at it some other time jim: a trimmed AST is the tree of the actual code.. jim: I can't see why an AST ready for the backend will be any worse off than Prism jdl: Do you think 'programming language' and 'language' should be the same entry? bin: take a look at dads, it might be useful (it's a dictionary) ok fufie: no, no difference really, but an AST based directly on a language grammar has lots of cruft in it fufie: once I add "floaters" / "annotations" (haven't decided on the term yet) to the Prism metacode, it will be a little more unique. only beginners define an AST directly on the BNF grammar an AST's main point is to represent the code in a useful fashion for three parts: the semantic checking, the optimization and the code generation bin: Programming language vs. language: I think they're quite different... programming languages are a subset of all languages (and languages are a subset of all codes) sure. (unless you want to change terminology code->language) jdl: Haven't you read GEB?? fufie: yes, I know. AST's and the Prism metacode are very similar in concept fufie: different in execution (but not tons different) bin: juries still out on code->language -- it might be more clear, but I also think the distinction between lanuage (as a concrete code) and code is useful. bin: About the first third :) Great book. I see Prism (when I go much of the terminology nonsense) as a way to represent the ASTs in a simplified format basically.. ok. otoh, the word 'code' itself is confusing basically as the serialising format jdl: I ask because of 'holism'.. please don't use the word 'holism' Fufie: why? quaks use that word quacks I mean eh? quake? fufie: That will change once I add annotations. AST's don't have any sort of support for semantically-null annotations to the tree; the Prism metacode will. no.. quaks.. people who sell you snake oil quacks 03:10pm bin: Don't remember the word 'holism' from GEB... it's been a while, honestly. Fufie: I still don't get it completely.. but n/m, I don't intend to use 'holism' too heavily jdl: It is perhaps not mentioned until the middle or something don't use it bin: con artists selling fake/useless medicine tend to use the word "holistic" a lot, I think that's what fufie means. bin: Same for other new-age whackos ok the word 'holistic' is used by those who're unable to use scientific terms hofstadter ;) jdl: isnt prism a holistic panacea? ;) fufie: the annotations will allow Prism codes to support comments, symbols, etc., without adding complexity to the mainline semantics. hcf: smile when you say that, buddy ;) (oh, wait, you did) jim: I look forward to any decent extensions to normal AST thinking jdl: Don't you think 'interoperability' might need some explanation? (or not) bin: you're a CS student, no? Fufie: yes * bineng/#tunes refers to his hostname bin: in CS you can be roughly be 100% certain that someone who use the word 'holistic' when talking of his research is a wanker ;) fufie: I haven't worked out the details, but basically I'm thinking any Prism atom can have 0+ "annotation" atoms attached to it. Those atoms will have a type GUID that indicates whether they are symbols, comments, etc. And codes can recommend st standard annotations. I'll be sure to keep that word for myself then :) lol fufie: but annotations can be removed/ignored without changing the meaning of the model. jdl: Don't you think 'interoperability' might need some explanation? (or not) bin: holistic people are those who make a giant preprocessor macro shceme in C and call it object-oriented or that it will solve problems, instead of writing or using a better language.. (close to Bjarne this? ;) bin: oh, sorry.... um, I don't know. It seems like an obvious everyday word to me, but perhaps not for others hm don't ask me, I'm not native English bin: perhaps we should add "GUID" as well I'll let you stand for that part interoperable is a marketing term in my book -:- Kaufmann` [] has joined #tunes Boy, DALNet sucks! 03:20pm then why do u hang out there everyday? Kaufmann`: What luck you're here instead then, isn't it? hey Kauf air, wish I knew :) bin, I was just there jdl: Were you unhappy about my 'isomorphism' entry? I was logged in for a minute, enough to witness three splits. lol : GUID / "Globally Unique Identifier." An identifier that is presumed to be unique anywhere on (or off) the planet. GUID's only apply within particular areas... for example, an IP address is guaranteed to be unique in the domain of IP got it (cont) but not necessarily unique in the domain of Ethernet addresses. In other words, there may be an IP address and an Ethernet address that share the same ID, but they are still considered to be unique within their domains. bin: I think isomorphism exclude any deviating models, arrows, objects in the two categories you compare Downix, re. company names... Ra Processing? bin: that should be clearer.. everything in one category should be mappable to the other and vice versa taken Kauf bin: let me doublecheck 'isomorphism' Kaufmann`: mentioning anything to do with the sun and processing makes me immediately think of cooling devices :) Fufie: right well, Thørshammer? Sounds like a thrash metal band... bin: my problem with your definition was that it was specific to metamodels... not that I particularly like my definition aha better if I change it to 'codes'? bin: I'd still prefer a generalized def Okay, I've got it: _|_ (read "Bottom") Computing what do you say, Down? Kaufmann`: We Diverged From All The Other Companies... jdl: sure uh.. no heh jdl: What's your opinion on "Machine-readable metamodel"? okie bin: it's a metamodel that's readable by machines... seems straight-forward to me (so does it need a def?) True Software: Because all the programs we write always return #t! :) 03:30pm I'll remove it then kaufie :) jdl: What do you say, do you believe in the great metametametamodel? :) Kaufmann`: gensym oooh * zarq/#tunes is away: z gensym is a good company name lol Don't go insulting my religion! lol who needs a company name and what should they do? Fufie, Downix bin: if Prism is a metacode, then English is its metametacode, which means all the English phrase books in the world are metametametamodels. (So there!) ;) LOL * Fufie/#tunes thinks Hard On might be a good name for a hardware company otoh, english is sufficient for all higher meta-levels bin: it is not.. a lot of norwegian can't be expressed in english LOL Fufie Fufie: uhh. whatever :) bin: and english has terms not easily expressible in norwegian :) oooh, Macrohard :) Hard On Cafe :) * jdl/#tunes thinks Macrohard shouldn't be easily expressible in any language nor should the opposite.. * jdl/#tunes cringes at the imagry REPL Computing CrippleWare bin: okay, back to the glossary... where were we? jdl: A note, the syntax requires pluralis forms to be defined as aliases in case they are used.. Oh wait - Katmandu Inc. jdl: I'm working on it. What's a 'metasystem', anyone? bin: I realized that after I had gotten about half way through... at that point I decided to singularize them all and let you sort em out :) a metasystem can be an operating system a system of systems? jdl: Sure, just making sure you know gakuk fufie: Actually, I disagree... I don't think an OS would be a metasystem... I can't think of any examples of metasystems. in general, a system that can contain other systems perhaps? hey fare literally, a 'system of systems'. That does sound like a system capable of hosting other systems. bin: I don't think "containing" is enough to qualify for meta-. jdl: what more then? u guys need to do a little less talking and more coding :) 03:40pm air: welcome to tunes ;) :) air: I am their coding alibi ;) Downix, Hindu mythology allowed? air: rmm, and what do you have to show for it? Fare: What's a metasystem according to you? Kaufmann`: of course air: please volunteer :) for coding projects ready to be undertaken eihrul: hey mine is working a metasystem is a system in which you write other systems air: shrug, it's still closed :P a virtualizing OS is a metasystem downix: call it JCN.. ((HAL)++)++ and (IBM)++ A running Linux image is a (very static) metasystem for unix processes uh. why? Fare: So you need to be able to _write_ systems inside it to qualify? JCL! Job Control Language boycott the word and prefix meta! do the world a favor! fare,bin: I would also say that a system that operates on other systems (in their entirety) might qualify as a metasystem. maybe... bineng: it depends on what you put in "meta". Downix, Xanadu's already taken... :P alright bineng: meta just means it serves in the implementation; just how rich your meta is depends eih: where would Prism be without the word 'meta'? :) don't answer that ;) :) * bineng/#tunes deletes the entry 'metasystem' bin: good call... why define it if nobody is using it bin: if you run out of terms to define, you must start coding.. *sympathy* ;) :b hmm, i think network solutions is hurting for cash Fufie: that ain't gonna happen, mark my words.. if nothing else, I could always try to decode Norwegian :) -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Downix[]) -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes 03:50pm jdl: Do you have to use "state-of-the-art" as the overall goal of Prism? Sounds like a buzzword to me. bin: bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bin: okay, any other ideas? it's your project :> thanks :b heh no, I dunno * jdl/#tunes is thinking You link to 'abstract metacode', should I alias that with 'abstract code'? : Prism / A project to improve programmer productivity by improving programming tools and languages. (...) bin: it's your glossary :> how about meta-abstract, is that a good term? heh bin: seriously, sure that sounds fine. fufie: :b * bineng/#tunes metas Fufie hard ouch, that HAD to hurt I'm off seeya cya -:- SignOff Kaufmann`: #TUNES (kathyanne gets kick'd / as leaves fall on still waters / she is here no more.) jdl: You link to 'abstract metacode', should I alias that with 'abstract code'? bin: seriously, sure that sounds fine. 04:00pm bin: How far are you in the glossary (I'm going to go get some food soon, but I'll wait if we're almost done) jdl: Reflection. Should I remove it? * jdl/#tunes is checking bin: no, 'no comment' meant I thought the def was fine. oh.. but some points "detorate" when I remove some supporting entries.. (or I didn't care... towards the end I started skipping a bunch 'cause I was getting tired) * jdl/#tunes is looking at the original def the same with reification. But I'll leave them in for now then. yeah, it seems okay as it is... the only link you really lose is 'oneself' sure 04:10pm almost done.. I'll try to fix it up some more tomorrow, just trying to get the stuff where some communication might be needed now okay do you thin 'system' isn't necessary? bin: Not sure... that's where I started to get tired. ok. I think it a border case. I need to go... (I haven't eaten all day, and its dinner time) we can talk about this more later tonight or tomorrow ok. cya then. Thanks for coordinating all this. I think it's going to turn out really well. -:- SignOff jdl: #TUNES (blue elf needs food, badly) blue elf? -:- SignOff bineng: #TUNES ( <k!14>) 04:20pm -:- iepos [] has joined #TUNES (S K S) hi "(S K S)"? (def-tired 'fufie) 04:30pm -:- SignOff eihrul: #TUNES (Ping timeout for eihrul[]) -:- eihrul [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES (Downix) -:- witten [] has joined #tunes witten: hi hello mr. monkeyhumper! monkeyhumper? no thanks dict monkeyhumper No definitions found for "monkeyhumper" hm. looks like someone needs a new dictionary! 05:00pm doesn't look like a compliment, anyway it's a term of endearment * Fufie/#tunes yaaawns does the monkey approve? that's between you and the monkey, of course I do sleep with a monkey, but it's a plush monkey plushmonkeyhumper then? i sleep with a plush demon :> * Fufie/#tunes sleaps with a beagle sleeps you people need help well, its designer somehow forgot the necessary organs for sexual intercourse. oh, that's fortunate fare; did that surprise you? anatomically correct plush monkey? witten: so what kind of plush thingy do you sleep with? -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes bend over and i'll show you * eihrul/#tunes sleeps with his books. they're not too plush unfortunately and they hurt if you accidently bump into the edges augh but what's nicer than banging your head on The Art of the Meta-Ojbect Protocol in the middle of the night and finding it there waiting for the reading? :) zarq: I was like, 5 or 6 when I got this monkey (well, its elder brother) a nice book that is are stock brokers metacompanies? fare; it still seems to bother you :) witten: do you know the TUNES project? i guess the tunes project is helping me decide what I need for an OS for it zarq: my home is small; I have no place to put it but on my bed. Fare: i know the tune projects intimiately /set correct_spelling on al: ask jim (jdl) or binEng fare; that's ok.. i have the same problem * Fare/#Tunes has 5 /. moderation points for sale give them to the first person to complete a tunes prototype * AlonzoTG/#tunes meditates on his new Open PC hardware that will need a VM OS cuz it won't have HW protection... 05:10pm tunes prototype. what a kidder! witten: you may introduce yourself Fare: i'm witten. witten, the #tunes channel. #tunes channel, witten. i've seen alonzotg on efnet #osdev and eihrul on efnet #asm or some such place i've seen tunes on its web page yep! i've been there. I have sunken into dispair of ever finishing my OS because it would require many millions of dollars of effort. =\ witten: well.... you can never tell what someone will do for some of that /. karma * Fare/#Tunes goes 3053 with the monkey AlonzoTG: why, the custom hardware? AlonzoTG: you're starting too low... that's why * Fare/#Tunes is away cuz fabbing hardware is cheaper than writing software. 8P /. is the downfall of civilization! no it is civilization now that's a scary thought. interpret that as you will _ /. rocks!! some civilization... i've made my own custom slashdot user prefs config page a moderate civilisation where 3/4 are anonymous cowards moderated Fufie: that describes about any nation :) no.. a nation has 5/6 cowards.. none of them anonymous.. I used to be registered but I lost my registration somehow and never put in the effort to register again.... hey, some of them might have unlisted phone numbers they still have social security numbers, or eq. hey, taco still keeps server logs, man and when they go public, the media will out your identity if someone really wanted to... they could oblige taco for the logs taco-boy doesn't out the ip for every AC or require everyone to run an identd newspapers do the telly does the radio is pretty free though radio free europe.. how quaint, but nice, that sounded radio free europe I'll repeat it you only have to be a multinational conglomerate to broadcast on the radio radio free europe witten: most people could put up an antenna and broadcast not legally witten: legally within a certain spectrum, yes maybe not in the US though not in US unfortunately the US is a sucky country for and by the multinational corps yeah despite europeans being a gang of in-fighting and arrogant wankers, we do have some sense oh, do we? :) 05:20pm yeah, between tea-time and the small nap, that is :) the rest of the time we're either working, or getting drunk or watching american soap on the telly =) we don't have time for waras anymore, we might lose an apisode of friends or that beverly hills crap wars episode uh huh. even radio free europe is dying :( -:- AlonzoTG [] has left #tunes [] * Fufie/#tunes is tired.. good night -:- SignOff iepos: #TUNES (Reconnecting) sleep well -:- iepos [] has joined #TUNES -:- SignOff hcf: #TUNES (Ping timeout for hcf[]) 05:30pm -:- NetSplit: split from [06:08pm] -:- BitchX+Deb1an: Press Ctrl-F to see who left Ctrl-E to change to [] -:- Netjoined: -:- zarq [] has joined #tunes -:- Kaufmann` [newbie@] has joined #tunes What song by Phil Collins has a video clip that features him and Eric Clapton playing in a Western-style saloon setting? Slap Your Bitch Up urgh? oh I'm sorry. wrong video. LOL i got Eric Clapton confused with Eric Satanspawn you sure? -:- SignOff iepos: #TUNES (Ping timeout for iepos[]) maybe it was someone else ROTFL 06:30pm well, I'm off bubye! -:- SignOff Kaufmann`: #TUNES (kathyanne gets kick'd / as leaves fall on still waters / she is here no more.) 07:00pm -:- ult [] has joined #Tunes hi ult 07:10pm -:- lar1 [] has joined #tunes Hey hi -:- lar1 is now known as lar_away 07:20pm -:- water [] has joined #tunes howdy hm anyone here? yes Heya water! oh good -:- lar_away is now known as lar1 eih: i've been pouring over self and smalltalk and clos mop ideas and what revolutionary idea have you concluded? :) did you see Jecel's post? mostly just getting familiar with the details and the problems that slate addresses 07:30pm yep. i reponded -:- lar1 is now known as lar-eating for the most part, no new revolutionary ideas, but that may change any thoughts so far about slate? er.. any *more* thoughts? no relevent ones any irrelevant ones? :) it should be statically typed :) yuck! :) water: these are irrelevently irrelevent thoughts they go beyond irrelevent heh is multiple dispatch in CLOS useful? fufie seems to think so but i think polymorphism is a better approach when done correctly i'd assume so just my opinion, though both are useful water: it is polymorphism... it's just expressed a different way i know i mean, message based polymorphism has its benefits but the *expression* of an idea counts namely that its much simpler isn't multiple dispatch just polymorphism applied twice? message based polymorphism? for one call? OvErHeAd ult: uh, read the fucking self papers, man heh * ult/#Tunes looks at eihrul OvErHeaD tRoLl! yeah, ult, it's over your head, all right :) hehe -:- ult_ [] has joined #Tunes to repeat for our peer-reset friend: yeah, ult, it's over your head, all right :) 07:40pm * ult_/#Tunes kicks water =) -:- SignOff ult: #TUNES (Ping timeout for ult[]) hmm, is the x86 emulation code for crusoe stored inside the cpu? no all translation is done in software but is the code morphing software placed inside the cpu? it says in the stinkin' product overview :) the code morphing software is just software written natively for the vliw isa the articles on /. make it sound like it is the cpu has special hardware that makes software translation fast air: half the people on slashdot haven't read the damned overview eihrul: i know its software slashdot is a bunch of eediots :) hell, 99% haven't eihrul: is that damn software moved into the cpu? uh... no are u positive? all software is moved into the cpu positive enough as it executes * eihrul/#tunes cackles. witten: actually, not x86 software :) 08:00pm since a translation is moved in it's placed... but it has to be translated in the cpu gah geez i think there are flash roms in the crusoe that hold the code morphing software the point is that the crusoe cpu has some built-in support for code-translation software air: there are... they load them into ram though water: just remains to be seen whether they allow anyone else to see it :P someone'll find a way it's a moving target though instruction sets are different between the cpus it's almost a law of nature unless they try to crack the code morphing software :) "unless"? :) you'd take advantage of its backend that already knows what to translate to right though, are they planning on licensing out official tools to do that? (they => transmeta) it seems so but i haven't found definite statements to that effect * eihrul/#tunes needs to find a paper on how they do dynamic recompilation.... heh alas, i don't think i will good luck well, maybe i can find thesis papers written by their acquired phds? :) is it true that u cant code in the crusoes native instruction set? air: read the product overview i did well, they have people from self, sparc, alpha teams air: all i know is what's in there water: ah, no wonder :) i knew some of that stuff was familiar 08:10pm -:- Tropper [] has joined #tunes hello, trooper hi water you interested in tunes? wait a moment - i jump to the site and tell ypu then..... :-) k -:- hcf [] has joined #tunes hey hcf hey water if you unify passing multiple arguments to a method and setting multiple members of an object into one concept, then how do you reconcile the fact that passed arguments are temporary and set members are not? hm that's why i was working on the mutability refinements what does it have to do with mutability, though? so that if you changed certain variables, you no longer had the same object or method-closure copy-on-write? but other variables could be changed without making a different object sure hm * Tropper/#tunes have no time to read the complete stuff know - but he will come back later..... -:- Tropper [] has left #tunes [] interesting way to do it definitely not something done before 08:30pm i don't know but i even had it working on my old college prototype cool (of course not much else worked :) i was just doing copy-on-all-method-calls.. seems copy-on-write is a good optimization heh ok well, it's the first time to use it in a language, then witten: more like the reverse -:- lar-eating is now known as lar1 eihrul: what do you mean? keep in mind here that copy-on-write for slate would only be potential witten: copy-on-method-calls is an optimization of the latter water: potential? the meta-object always intercepts the message and handles it variably eihrul: how so? wit: you could have the mo not allow such new copies for given variable changes water: yes, i suppose that would help.. mutable, immutable, and copy-on-writable well, the new object would just be lazily implemented, for instance hm ok, so i haven't figured out all the default semantics yet fun fun yep :) larry wall has it so good who? the guy who made perl ack! even though he's batshit crazy and his language sucks, he gets PAID to make his programming language 08:40pm language design for a living! can't beat that nope heh. maybe someday i'll be paid to extend arrow 8) heh though you were going to move on to more ambitious ends by time arrow actually worked? :) exactly :) time for more acd&i.... self idle: true, (idle me t), , etc, etc heh acd&i? Why does that seem to resemble Acid to me? (The spelling) 08:50pm * ult_/#Tunes watches self suck ult: you suck? Ult_! Not in here! :) =P self on mac? ult? water? i think water is at or an expression of the Tao or our island of intelligence or or trying to flesh out the design... there are a lot of semantics issues heh ult: what do you mean, "watching self suck"? -:- SignOff witten: #TUNES (bye) 09:00pm -:- witten [] has joined #tunes water: want some urls? what subject? MOs etc sure why do you need meta objects if your language is prototype-based? wit: good question 09:10pm hcf: i already did that search hm. though i seemed to have missed a few of these wit: meta-objects handle the semantics of message-passing hm okay they intercept message sends, semantically why? so you can change the way messages work or insert type-checks or restrict message implementation oh among other things -:- SignOff ult_: #TUNES (Leaving) that seems a funny way to do type checking the slate language is actually a very simple lisp-style object system with a compiled meta-object built in water: why cant the object itself handle such things? or a Visitor pattern, for that matter because the object itself should be very simple why should the object be very simple? meta's are like dynamically-inherited prototypes this sounds vaguely like Omega here's a good analogy the meta-objects should act like spaces in which the objects reside the object itself doesn't change meaning when moved between spaces so the meta object is a wrapper yes but a little more it can be compiled away or removed by compilation hopefully okay sounds like it'd be good for assertions and invariants or constraints same thing, i think yep 09:20pm one thing i'd like is to be able to use meta-objects for making distributed systems easier to work with ooh but that involves interaction of mo's meta object on the local side and the actual object on the remote? which isn't very well studied hm not what i had in mind, but yes okay btw, combining meta-objects is similar to aop aspect-oriented programming? yep never bothered to read that probably should the results of the aspectj project aren't very promising, but the aop idea itself is -:- AlonzoTG [] has joined #tunes water: how about oil? ;) heh he hasn't even enumerated the aspects he wants to support yet -:- rares [] has joined #tunes hey hey rares slots can be used in somewhat the same manner as your meta objects yep because they can wrap (intercept) all of an object's method calls 09:30pm er and they can be compiled away, too keep in mind that one of a slate object's implicit slots is "meta" ;) hm the mo, though, allows you to meta-program slots, though meta-program? yes, the user programs, but the mo meta-programs odd :) -:- SignOff AlonzoTG: #TUNES (Have Nice Day :)) well, it allows you to define rules for slot behavior automatically not just the code in the slot i suppose that's useful you can transform that code automatically and modularly and refining an object's behavior for a specific use is easy... just clone and modify the mo the mo would be just another (slate) object I've just consigned myself to eternal lag (I'm downloading a ton) so I'll see yall later infinite meta regress alert! wit: it's ok you have all mo's regress to a "top" mo which is self-describing I have a question do any of these objects realize what universe they're living in might avoid infinite loop situations rares: yes okay that answers it its cute how mo iz also the abbrev for modus operandi heh well see yaaaaaaaaaaa aaa l l ll l l a g! gnite yeah, but abbreviating "meta-space" gives a less satisfactory set of initials :) 09:40pm ya gotta watch out for overunification i know yeah but it describes the extent of their glut wit: wait a sec how can i possibly be wary of over-unification if i'm the arrow author? :) i haven't read up on arrow yet -:- SignOff rares: #TUNES ([x]chat) heh that explains it i've you've written arrow, why write slate? = slate acts as a testbed for my ideas no other language works properly -:- _ruiner_ [] has joined #tunes and arrow is only written *about* oh why couldn't arrow be a testbed? although i came up with some very good implementation ideas recently because arrow isn't like anything out there it it's not a language what is it? it's a means for describing and reflecting upon information <_ruiner_> its a half formed idea that will never even achieve that status in practice thx, you dolt <_ruiner_> yw and there's lots of basis for it to work, it just isn't unified at all there is of course the fact that programmers couldn't dream up the idea even if they thought ai were possible heh i can count the number of actual arrow grokers on one hand <_ruiner_> heh <_ruiner_> kinda like tunes in that respect is it really that bad? :) which now includes fare <_ruiner_> fare is involved with arrow? yes, it's really that bad <_ruiner_> hell, as if it wasn't dying off slowly enough... ruiner: no, but he's been swapping ideas <_ruiner_> ack! ruiner: the only way you can gauge arrow progress is by my own manipulations of the tunes mlist 09:50pm you're pretty ignorant of what i've been working on <_ruiner_> blah blah blah just mind your own biz <_ruiner_> reflection is a neat idea, but perhaps not worth the least when you consider the conflicting opinions of others involved <_ruiner_> I'd probably have more confidence in it if you were the only one involved ruiner: reflection works even in squeak, dude _ruiner_: what's wrong with reflection? <_ruiner_> nothing wrong with it <_ruiner_> until you get more than oh...say.....2 people involved in implementing it yeah, ruiner just doesn't understand it <_ruiner_> uhhuh.... it's not magic man <_ruiner_> I grasped the idea right away, its not anything huge are you even following the current tunes mlist threads? <_ruiner_> but given what happened to tunes (where one of the big selling points was reflection), I don't see arrow getting finished <_ruiner_> nope <_ruiner_> waste o time case in point exactly, you're a waste o my time witten: cya later later hcf: let me know when the moron leaves -:- water [] has left #tunes [] 10:00pm hmm, that auto reload crap on ars kinda sucks -:- Downix [] has joined #tunes 10:20pm Downix!! Lar1!!!! talk!!!!!! I am w/ Downix? yes do so publicly Por que? If we discuss somting that is beneficial to others, then it will be done publicly :) -:- witten [] has left #tunes [] 10:30pm -:- SignOff Downix: #TUNES (BitchX: all the things phone and hop won't include) -:- Nico [] has joined #tunes -:- Nico [] has left #tunes [] -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Fare[]) -:- Fare [] has joined #Tunes -:- Zhivago [brian@] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff Fare: #TUNES (Ping timeout for Fare[]) -:- deega [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff lar1: #TUNES (Leaving) -:- Die [] has joined #tunes -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (Ping timeout for _ruiner_[]) -:- Die is now known as _ruiner_ -:- SignOff _ruiner_: #TUNES (destroy what destroys you) -:- SignOff air: #TUNES (BRiX [] :: sleep) [msg(TUNES)] newlog 2000.0121 IRC log ended Fri Jan 21 00:00:01 2000